Finding the best solution requires more than writing some code that solves the problem.
i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + (i++);
print 'Iterations to sort the deck: ' + i;
In every solutions there are a thousands little steps.
Using libraries and leveraging someone else's work, you are free to focus more on your unique challanges,
and less on common problems that have already been solved a million times.
Look at the problem from all different directions, find a new perspective.
Don't stop when you have found all the edge cases, but try to predict how your solution will work out back in the future.
Love everything you do!
It sucks to write bad code just because "you have to"!
In coding like in everything, loving your work it's a powerful motivation than can lead you to astonishing results.
Whoever you are, if you're alone, you are going to have a very hard time making anything big. Working in team and collaborating makes everyone stronger, it gives everyone the possibility to expand beyond the limits of what a single person can achieve.
Genuine laughter is a great instrument.
It can make you and everyone near you feel better.
It can loosen the tension and allow everybody to work better together.
It can dim the strain of an hard work.
Shit happens, all the time
It's not the mistakes you made that defines you,
but what you do after them
Time travel is not an option, yet,
so you'd better start working to solve the new problem you just created.
Good Luck!
This is me, and what I like doing in my spare time.
I really like talking to people, exchanging ideas and getting feedback.